The Gardner Clinic of Chiropractic
About Us
If your trouble is structural—bones out of place to a small or large degree—pinching on a nerve can cause pain. This is much more common than most people realize, and can create a multitude of health problems. Dr. Charles Gardner can help you alleviate these!
Simply put, if the bones in your neck and back are twisted out of alignment causing pain, the sensible thing to do would be to have Dr. Charles Gardner gently guide those bones back into their proper place, so that the pain disappears. Correct alignment of the bones is the aim of chiropractic, whether they are out of place in the neck, back, shoulders, arms, wrists, hips, knees, ankles or any other part of the body. These alignments or corrections are called a "chiropractic vertebral adjustments" or in short we simply call them "adjustments".
Summary of Qualifications
Doctor of Chiropractic with over 30 years of experience in practice
Owner and sole practitioner of the Gardner Clinic of Chiropractic since 1982
Professional Experience
Doctor of Chiropractic 1979 – Present
Gardner Clinic of Chiropractic 1982 – Present
Applying over 30 years of clinical experience in patient’s full spinal treatments to achieve superior results
Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Physician for gentle, precise correction of the neck (Dr. Gardner receives referrals from neurologists, MD's and other chiropractors for their difficult cases)
Using Thompson and Pierce-Stillwagon Technique for thoracic and lumbar spine
A Certified Chiropractic Extremity Practitioner (C.C.E.P.) correcting extremities (arms and legs) and sports injuries
Doctor of Chiropractic 1979 Life Chiropractic College, Atlanta Georgia
A.O.I. Board Certified 1982, R.W. Sweat Foundation
C.C.E.P. (Certified Chiropractic Extremity Practitioner)-Board Certified 1997
B.C.A.O. (Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Technique)-Board Certified 2000 Sherman College
Certified in AMA Impairment Rating
The Gardner Clinic of Chiropractic
2080 MLK (9th) Street North
St. Petersburg, Florida 33704
Phone: (727) 577-0988
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