The Gardner Clinic of Chiropractic

chiropractor St. Petersberg, Florida


I have suffered with headaches and migraines for several years. I sought help from a neurologist that specialized in headaches. The neurologist tests found my headaches were coming from an upper cervical pinched nerve. The neurologist referred me to Dr. Gardner, as he specializes in Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic. This technique in chiropractic is found to get quicker and better results for headaches and these neurologists recommend this technique over traditional chiropractic. They were right, I saw Dr. Gardner and got great results and I’m happy to say my headaches are gone.


Many thanks,

—A., St. Petersburg



Low Back Pains Long Term

I was referred to Dr. Gardner by a co-worker who knew I had long suffered with severe and sometimes crippling back pain. I had gone the usual routes…pain medication, ice, heat, traction, muscle relaxers, physical therapy, and massage to not much avail. Some days I literally had to roll myself out of bed, then prop my elbows on the sink in order to bend over to wash my face. I had tolerated this misery for 25 plus years, deciding it was just my fate.


I had to change my job role from bedside nurse to a supervisory position because I couldn’t physically do it anymore and I was adamant that I did not want surgery.


From the minute I walked in Dr. Gardner’s office and was greeted by his warm and friendly staff, I knew I had come to the right place. After a thorough discussion of my situation, physical assessment, and x-rays, a plan of care was recommended. Within 3 weeks I could tell I was headed for a much better life.

Now I feel like a new person. I take no medications, am able to exercise, kayak, sit on a blanket at an outdoor concert, and just do all the things I love doing. I now see Dr. Gardner occasionally for a maintenance checkup and any tweaking I may need.


I would highly recommend this type of chiropractic treatment. Combined with stretching and moderate exercise, it will change your life…it certainly did mine. I am a very grateful patient.


-H.D.,R.N., St. Petersburg



Sports Injury

Perconti and Associates would like to commend the Gardner Clinic for its professionalism and service and to thank Dr. Gardner for his expertise. After a racquetball injury, I was able to make an appointment with the Doctor, and see him the same day I had called his office. When I went in I was in a great deal of pain and could barely walk. My body and spine were tilted to the right and my one hip looked considerable higher than the other.


Dr. Gardner provided me with immediate relief and by the time I left the office my hips were level and the pain in my back had subsided, allowing me to return to work. Longer term treatments have kept my back in alignment, and me pain free. The therapy and exercises that Dr. Gardner recommended has helped to rebuild and strengthen my spine and back.


The staff at the Gardner Clinic took care of handling the insurance claim forms efficiently and scheduled appointments at my convenience.


We are very pleased with the Gardner Clinic and recommend it without reservation to any individual or business.


—S.P., Perconti and Associates, St. Petersburg



Lower Back and Shoulder Pain

I have seen many chiropractors in my life, for chronic lower back and shoulder pain. Several years ago, my massage therapist referred me to Dr. Gardner. She said that her patient’s routinely came back in better alignment with him than any other chiropractor she’d ever recommended.


After Seeing Dr. Gardner for some months I am out of pain completely, and I wouldn’t think of going to another chiropractor.


He is absolutely the best!


Thank you Dr. Gardner!

—C.W., Clearwater, FL



Accident – Arm Numbness and Neck Pain

Several years ago I suffered a slip and fall accident. Shortly after the accident I began to experience numbness in my arm and soreness in my neck and spine. I mentioned this to a friend and she recommended Dr. Gardner.


Dr. Gardner was able to diagnose the problem and offer a treatment that would resolve all of the pain and discomfort. Prior to treatment I had trouble performing normal activities at work and home. Chiropractic care has given me the ability to work and pursue recreational activities, free from pain.


After the Chiropractic treatment, Dr. Gardner also gave me a regimen of stretching and strengthening exercises that have improved the health of my spine. I am very grateful for Dr. Gardner’s caring and competent treatment. I would encourage anyone with back pain or joint pain to pursue his Chiropractic treatment.


—A.W., Tampa



Low Back Pain on Vacation

I was referred to Dr. Gardner in January due to hurting my back when on vacation. I received one adjustment from him and I have been 100% since I got back home. I haven’t needed any more adjustments since and feel fine. Your procedure is tops and I wish you were here when I needed treatment in the future, but I’d probably rather be in Florida too.

Thank you so much.

—J.B., Evansville, Indiana



Thank You

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you so much for all of your time and effort. You sure made the last part of our trip as missionaries more comfortable. Greg is doing great. Praise God! We just trust God is going to pour out blessings from Heaven upon you in ways you can’t even believe!!


Thank you again for making time for us and showing us the love of Jesus.


—S.M. and G.M., Missionaries from Honduras




Over the last 10 years I have visited numerous doctors and have been on many medications to control and trying to find the cause of my headaches. Being a nurse, I had exhausted all my medical resources and was at my wits’ end when my friend suggested I see a chiropractor. She had to make more than one suggestion because up until a year ago I was skeptical and did not understand Chiropractic Care. Dr. Gardner was patient with me and explained my test results in terms I could understand and he was able to draw a conclusion as to the cause of my headaches.


Dr. Gardner involved my husband in the treatment plan so that he would understand and provided the support I needed. My husband and I are happy and impressed because of my tremendous improvement. My headaches which were almost every day are now gone.

When they do occur they are minimal and I visit Dr. Gardner for treatment that always relieves my headaches.


I truly was his most difficult patient in terms of believing in Chiropractic Care, but now I feel I’m his most avid supporter. I appreciate all he’s done for me and sincerely hope this testimony will help someone else get the help they need.


—M.W., R.N. – Tarpon Springs



Thank You

Thanks so much for your help! You people do good work! From January 3 until January 5, I drove 1,240 miles without a twinge. Will yell when I need more help.





After 7 Doctors, I finally Found Help and Results

I can’t begin to thank you for the help and treatment that I have received from your office. As you know, I had felt hopeless for nearly a year. I had been to six other doctors and was truly ready to give up hope.


The first doctor told me I had nothing wrong that he could see. The second doctor told me I would have to have surgery. After having surgery, he told me he found nothing and my pain was psychosomatic, but it was real. Even a psychiatrist confirmed my pains reality.

I went to doctor number three to check out the possibility of it being my kidneys or bladder. Everything checked out okay and he then told me it sounded like a back problem.


I had to quit my job as a manager of a women’s health spa. I had stopped exercising completely and depression was setting in. I proceeded to go to an orthopedic doctor who told me not to bend, stretch, or lift and that it would take 2 years to heal. This shocked and upset me.


I did call a neurosurgeon and was considering more surgery, but I figured I would give myself a chance with a chiropractor. By then I was having pain that kept me in bed most of the time.

I went to two other Chiropractors with limited results.


Then I came to Dr. Gardner who was my #3 chiropractor and #7 doctor.  Dr. Gardner did a thorough exam and x-rays. I had never been treated so well in my life. On the next appointment he showed me the x-rays and explained them to me.


Tears streamed down my face. I could see for the first time what was wrong and how bad it actually was, there was also relief to know there was hope.


He was patient, kind, gentle, understanding, and he showed deep care. He took the time to answer every question. I was faithful in my treatment plan.


The healing process went along smoothly. I continued to get better and better. As I sit here tonight writing this, I had a realization the improvement is beyond anything I could have ever imagined. I sometimes get up and wait to hurt but the pain is gone.


He has been the greatest inspiration to me. I am very pleased and grateful. His procedures are excellent. He really does care and it shows.

With deepest respect,

—Y.G., St. Petersburg




Patient Successes

Our patients tell the stories of their sucessful treatments:

The Gardner Clinic of Chiropractic

2080 MLK (9th) Street North

St. Petersburg, Florida 33704

Phone: (727) 577-0988

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Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic

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